
info is used to customize user configuration of services. Users can modify it to meet their own requirements.

There are 2 kinds of info in system

  • info.yml - For service starting
  • info.queued.yml - For replacing info.yml

Show info

  • Show info

    make showinfo
  • Show queued info

    make show_queued_info

Reset info to default

make reset_info

info template

  DNSPORT: 16350:16370
  WAN: eth0
        - { key: test, listenport: 7010, log-dir: /home/USER/snmplog, mode: sskcp }
        - { key: test, listenport: 7020, log-dir: /home/USER/snmplog, mode: sskcp }

info is yaml file, check detailed info about how to modify info of dns-proxy, sskcp

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