Test flow in production mode

Download powter-server testflow packages

wget https://github.com/hilanderas/powter-server/releases/download/0.3.1/powter-server-testflow-0.3.1.zip
unzip powter-server-testflow-0.3.1.zip

Check releases page for other versions

Download powter-server packages

cd powter-server-testflow
make -f basic.mk download

Config test environment

  • Set lan port
    make -f powter-server.mk config IFACE=[IFACE]
    Description of the attribute:
  • IFACE: WAN of server


    make -f powter-server.mk config IFACE=eth0
  • Check configuration

    make -s -f powter-server.mk read_config

Run test cases

  • Run installation cases
    make -s -f function.mk install
    make -s -f function.mk uninstall
    make -s -f function.mk installafteruninstall
    make -s -f function.mk reinstall
    make -s -f function.mk reuninstall
  • Run restart cases
    make -s -f function.mk reboot_p1
    make -s -f function.mk reboot_p2
    make -s -f function.mk restartall
  • Run update cases
    make -s -f function.mk updateconf

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