Test flow in production mode

Login router and download powter-client testflow packages

wget https://github.com/hilanderas/powter-client/releases/download/0.8.2/powter-client-testflow-0.8.2.zip
unzip powter-client-testflow-0.8.2.zip

Check releases page for other versions

Download powter-client packages

cd powter-client-testflow
make -f main.mk download ARCH=[ARCH]

ARCH: x86 or armv6

Check integrity of downloaded packages

md5sum -c powter-client-testflow-0.8.2.md5

Config test environment

  • Update info.yml and info_slave.yml in powter-client-testflow to meet your test environment

  • Set project path, info file path and lan port

    make -f main.mk config TEST_PROJ=[PROJECT] TEST_INFO=[TEST_INFO] IFACE=[IFACE]

    Description of each attribute:

  • TEST_PROJ: Path of powter-client-*
  • TEST_INFO: Absolute path of info.yml
  • IFACE: WAN of router


    make -f main.mk config TEST_PROJ=$PWD/powter-client-x86 TEST_INFO=$PWD/info.yml IFACE=enp2s0
  • Check configuration

    make -f main.mk -s read_config

Run test flow

  • Run functional test flow
    make -f function.mk test_install
    make -f function.mk test_uninstall
    make -f function.mk test_installafteruninstall
    make -f function.mk test_reinstall
    make -f function.mk test_reuninstall
    make -f function.mk test_checkvps
  • Run restart test flow

    make -f restart.mk test_reboot_p1
    make -f restart.mk test_reboot_p2
    make -f restart.mk test_poweroff_p1
    make -f restart.mk test_poweroff_p2
    make -f restart.mk test_isprestart
    make -f restart.mk test_restartall
  • Run update test flow

    • Update dns or sskcp configuration
      make -f update.mk test_update_dns
      make -f update.mk test_update_sskcp
    • Switch vps test

      In this scenario, we assume that dns server and sskcp server are the same and we want to switch them to another groups and switch back again. Prepare info_slave.yml, the main different between info.yml and info_slave.yml is the dns server IP and sskcp IP.

      make -f update.mk switch SLAVE=[SLAVE]


      make -f update.mk switch SLAVE=/home/qa/info_slave.yml
  • Clean up

    rm -r ~/powter-client-x86*

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