About the project

Pros and cons

  • Integration of bypass, ss (shadowsocks) and kcp (kcptun) with few configurations required.
  • Flexible strategy supported: sskcp or ss mode.
  • sskcp client-server pairs are scalable through configuration.
  • Anti DNS pollution.
  • Long term plan of development and maintenance.
  • No UI
  • There are insufficient documents about how to perform troubleshooting


  • Stable performance on x86 and arm
  • Network monitor report
  • Self-mended connections
  • Web UI in powter-client

Business plan

  • It is FREE forever, forever.
  • We would like to build up the self-organized community for this project, and need all kinds of support, feed-forward from you.
  • The goal we care the most is enabling you to access to the most valuable treasure in human history, the knowledge and wisdom.

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