How to contribute

We appreciate your interest! The first thing you should do is to check out our Code of Conduct. Here's a running list of things we'd love some help with!

Use powter projects and give us feedback

The best way to help the community is to embrace the technology at the heart of it. Get a Raspberry Pi 3 or old-fashion PC, VPS, install powter projects respectively, and enjoy your FREE internet! It may be a little rough during configuration and installation now, but we’re feverishly working on the next generation user experience and your input and feedback can help shape what we release very soon!

Enjoy the development

First you'll want to get familiar with the basics in the gitbook. After that, there's a few ways you can pitch in:

  • routing - It turns a PC or Raspberry Pi into a router.
    • Help us improve the configuration module
    • Help us interface detection
    • Help us with UI design
  • powter-client - It powers the router with dnsmasq, shadowsocks and kcp client.
    • Help us improve FSM (Finite state machine)
    • Help us improve conf generation
    • Help us with UI design
  • powter-server - It powers the VPS with dns-proxy, shadowsocks and kcp server.
    • Help us with UI design
  • elespejo projects - Help us improve and build out the docker images and conf generators hilanderas use as modules!

QA / Testing are demanded

The more potential issues that we can find and resolve, the better. We’re looking for volunteers that are willing to functionality test any and all facets of the API or experience. Manual work is always welcome, but if you’ve got expertise with test automation even better. Please report all issues to the appropriate project in the hilanderas and elespejo Organization on GitHub.

Content Creation and Translation

Are you a good writer looking to contribute blog posts? Maybe you're a developer that really enjoys writing guides or tutorials? And how about translating them into Chinese. We can use the help!

Community Support

We're always on the lookout for people that are willing to help us manage community relations.

Join the community

Join the chat for discussion

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